How Grit Built an Emerging Guidewire Powerhouse

How Grit Built an Emerging Guidewire Powerhouse

“Necessity is the mother of invention.” A phrase I’ve heard countless times and in 2014, I lived it. Just a year after launching Meron Medical, “necessity” drove an essential pivot in the direction of the company. That shift led us down a new road, becoming a critical player in the sophisticated world of high-end corewire grinding. But the journey down that road was far from easy.

KMM’s 5 Year Evolution To An Innovative Platform CMO

KMM's 5 Year Evolution To An Innovative Platform CMO

KMM’s 5 Year Plan It is unreal to me that it has been 5 years since KMM Group, Ltd was born. With just a hint of a smirk on my face and tongue only half in-cheek, I can say that Eric and I have realized why people don’t often do what we did without some […]