The Antidote to the Problem of Manufacturing Tiny Defense Parts
As defense components become smaller and more intricate, manufacturing challenges are on the rise. Without an effective production strategy, complex assembly configurations can trigger project delays and increased costs with a cascading effect downstream. If your tiny parts are causing big problems on the production floor, we’d like to introduce you to the antidote that […]
What to Consider When Evaluating a Space Component Manufacturer
The space manufacturing field is skyrocketing as parts continually elevate in complexity and precision with the persistent emergence of new technologies. It’s no wonder, then, that sourcing a new space manufacturer is becoming increasingly crucial to the future of space exploration. The right partner will have what it takes to produce your ultra-precision components with […]
3 Tips for Expediting the Mass Spectrometry R&D Process
According to a recent global opportunity analysis and industry forecast, the mass spectrometry market is projected to experience measurable growth from 2021 to 2030, with North America accounting for the highest share. Advances in technology, increased private funding, and more government grants for R&D are a few factors fueling this market growth. However, the inherent […]
5 Aerospace Component Manufacturing Challenges – and How to Solve Them
The aerospace component manufacturing process can present obstacles that delay progress and increase costs. In this article, we’ll cover the five of the most common challenges and outline helpful solutions to help you overcome them: Tight tolerancing R&D uncertainties Difficult materials Complex designs Missing tooling/drawings Continue reading to learn more about solving these common […]
How We Successfully Produced Life-Saving Bend-Free Vascular Guidewires When Others Failed
When a Salt Lake City-based biotechnology firm approached us in 2019, they were working with our competitor to help them manufacture specialty neurovascular guidewires, a critical device component designed for two stroke intervention procedures: thrombectomy and endovascular coiling. Upon reconnecting with them a year later, the firm revealed that their current vendor was struggling to […]
How It’s Made: Medical Guidewires
Medical guidewires are often the most critical component within an ever-growing portfolio of interventional devices used for neurovascular, cardiovascular, and peripheral vascular procedures. These wires lead, or ‘guide’, life-saving devices to address critical patient issues such as aneurysm coiling, clot extraction, interventional cardiology, angioplasty, neuromodulation, and thrombus busting and extraction. These high-precision components are commonly […]